Who is the MOST hated RX poster?

Pick one poster you absolutely completely utterly detest more than anything else .. even more than envisioning Butternutts buck ass naked (unless you're HamNEggs & that sort of think turns you on)

My vote goes to ....
OutAndUp - this guy calls me an asshole even when I agree with him.

Butternuts 2**
OutAndUp 2
Lander 2
Oldfriend 1
Vega 1
Joe 1
JRock6986 1
Cecil 1
Chuck Sims 1
Mod Staff 1
Kodiak 1
George Dubya Bush 1/2*
Majority of RX Community 1/2*

* Wilheim had trouble understanding that everyone gets ONE vote.
** Wins tiebreaks via receiving 1/6th of Barney's vote for "entire mod staff"

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early favorites include Journey, Bill, Mark Del, Butch, Dell, Fred Norris & Vega
hmm that could be tough...it might be you Lander... I hate to say it but , what happened to us man....?

you were top 5 back in the day!

i`ll have to think about that one!
Journey, I didn't mean by me .. I was guessing that Fred & Pino were all over the JMan ... and 2 votes could be huge in a write in only contest.

Funny thing, I was just thinking we're like DX, you're the big roided up HHH & I'm the cool one like Shawn Michael .. once tight, now arch enemies. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
pre banning top ten favorites

no special order....


uncle B


Pat Irish

Joey C


Blue Edwards

Simple Game



alot of guys i m missing but thats a good start
I had to LOL...

dude I love those guys!

HHH is a freak man

Michaels is awesome

Dude i might have to pump some iron!
That hurts man.
You are in my top 5.
I even agreed with Peep to let you out of the RubberRoom months ago.

I can't even type now, the tears man, the tears...


I even like Vega actually!

I still like Simple Game

Blue Edwards

The Uncle hates me now, but I still enjoy the guy!


I even miss Peep, I can t lie I miss the guy!

Shrink won t even return my emails..

Dante was pretty cool too, actually!

lot of good guys here..
OK OK OK it's your thread so I guess I can change my vote to....

Hmmmmmnnn there is sooooooo many to choose from...

Come on man..WT /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gifF does this have to do wioth offshore betting?

Always Bet Your Intuition

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Boys, I'm touched for the first time since girls stopped liking me. You actually like me. I only see my name once in this thread. Thank you gentlemen.

48 days and counting to the greatest fix in NFL history
I really really hate that punk from Calgary named Vega. He is such a little jerk, that I'd love to just kick his ass. Boy do I hate this kid.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Thanks sick gambler, old buddy old pal. You made things right, balanced the force etc. This thread just didn't look right until someone mentioned my name. I was starting to feel unloved.

48 days and counting to the greatest fix in NFL history
CrAzY Jivin' IvaN,

Did you find an OUT? If not I found one 4U

- - -
"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Ivan, believe it or not I was just telling my buddy sick what a good kid you are and how I like reading your forum. Then you had to do this. What gives buddy? GL tomorrow by the way, and I mean it.

48 days and counting to the greatest fix in NFL history
Ivan, I too like you. I always feel bad for you when you have a bad day in the contest. And you always break my heart when you put those sad smiles up. Please stop putting them up, you really do break my heart, I swear. I know it's not fun to lose in gambling, but when I see you having a bad day, I really do feel bad for you because I know you're just a kid, and you go to school and you have a job in which you work hard at, and I know you bet on these hockey games, so losing money must really kill for you. I think you should stop gambling a bit because I hate to see you work hard for your money and then lose it in gambling.

If you're not going to quit gambling, at least lower your bets. Take care.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
anyone who rants on with a load of drivel about stuff nothing to do with betting / sportsbooks. If I wanted to talk politics or look at naked women I would be doing it on other sites.

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